Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MANI nd self_centred???? lmao =D
omg...i have been listening to this all the day for like a week or two..i know i m not int any1's life dese days dat much which i used 2 b..but dat doesn't mean dat m forgetting u people..u have been an integral part of my life olwys..n u'll be olwys...but dese days u knw m kinda vry busy...vry vry busy...vry vry vry...x busy and guess what in nothing..but i don't feel like talking to anyone or just like responding to u guys as i am just taking a break from my own..need 2 revamp wtever i hv been or wht i have learnt so far.. i am just restructuring my own self or u cud say its just dat m geting old.. :P please stay calm n chill until i get into my own senses and wud talk 2 u on my own..hav been ill too dese days, moreover..i hav been travelling a hell lot and jus for dat reason i m unable to concentrate on my friends and peers..i hope ya all will undrstand wtever i ws tryin to tell...
gud bye 4 nw...
will catch ya vry soon..
-mani!! (resting...taken a break frm being mani..zzzzzzzzzzzz)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

valentine n me (dese days)

15:43 (feb 14, 2010)

hmm..wt cud i say 2day!! m happy dese days..sab theek chal rha s gud!! :) abhi kuch dino se i hav been attending so many functions n all..pinki bua got married ..mamu ke yaha chhotu hua..he s so cute..named as bhanu and manvi's engagement and now she is gettin married on 18th!! m havin lotta fun aur abi aur b mazaa ayega aane wale time me..hmm, 1 more thing lado ko b beta hua abi 9th ko..hehe :D

so waha b jana hai march 9th ko kar rhe hain wo dt is called "koonwa poojan" so dis ws all bout wts goin on dese days, nw lets talk bout Valentine's Day... hmmm its going as usual .. cool n smiling!! since d morning i've been watching movies n movies... luv is in d air... :) i hv watched "blonde ambition"; 27 dresses; definitely,maybe; the perfect man; penelope n nw thinking bout which one 2 watch nw..

though i hav already watchd most of dem but 2day i wnt 2 watch 'em again haha :D i knw it sounds funny.. bt i like it!!! ;) well, dis ws it fr nw..!!!
-mani :P

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

jus seen death....

ya... its fr sure.. m nt kiddin' at all.. all dis hppnd ystrday...nthin usual, i had a quarrel wid my things went wrong....somebdy (very near) told me dat d day m back frm hostel, i'v been a headache fr him.. lyk he usd 2 b alone all d tym.. bt nw m alwys der 2 hav a watch...yup,over him,...i din't even askd him bout i got so much of shockd nd...i donno'.... i tried wt i nvr u knw wt, i nvr thot dt it wud b so painful..i tried to choke myslf wid a may sound funny it ws painful indeed...

in d startin'.. i mean wen i startd, it ws quite painful,bt slowly i donno wt it became...i ws feelin' dt i ws nt able 2 den i felt a jerkin pain in d heart area... n i thot i ws gone..nd dat pain ws risin' high n high....i tried to remove d belt bt can't...wt i felt lyk is to tighten d belt mor...i dnno y bt i thot dat tightenin' it wud giv me relaxation frm such pain..i continued doin' it..den all f a suuden...mumma came....

she slapped me badly....either she hs nt done dis i think i desrvd dat...den she shouted for bhai...he came n asked me questionably yet softly wts wrong?? mumma was cryin' n askin' me wat made me do dis..???? dat tym i saw d real pain in both f deir eyes n realised wt i ws doin'...both f dem wr cryin' lyk anythin'...den i cried loudly...n i said sorry to mumma n bhai.. n told dem evrythin'....

den dey said aisa bilkul nahi hai....kya tum pagal ho gyi ho...pta ni yaar wo kya tha ... jis wajah se i took dat nw m very GOD....n evry1 related to me....

i've got some blue n red small spots ovr my neck n face(near eyes)...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

クルクル7 ṡïṉṡ øṉ ḋïṡ εαɾτh..™

  • LUST
нαтє тнєм.... αℓωαソѕ.... - мαηιツ

Monday, March 16, 2009

z no smoking zone starts no where coz it's India darling!!